Despite a challenging backdrop for dividend investing in Q123, the Hilton Dividend and Yield Strategy performed well. The strategy’s focus on risk adjusted returns resulted in outperformance versus its benchmark* during a quarter that experienced significant market headline risk and elevated volatil...
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First quarter 2023 was not an easy ride for investors. Despite very solid returns by the S&P (+7.48%) and the Nasdaq (+17.05%), the first quarter was much more stressful than the index returns would suggest. Headline risk and volatility were a constant and it presented many reversals in investment f...
Led Zeppelin’s seventh studio album, Presence, was released on March 31, 1976. As I was organizing my thoughts for this letter that factoid came at me via various social media platforms (you should see what I follow). As improbable as it may seem, I see commonality between Zeppelin’s March 31, 1976 ...
Recent failures in the global banking sector coupled with uncertainty surrounding the Federal Open Market Committee’s (Fed) next moves have prompted investors to reprice risk in the capital markets.
One of 2022’s big surprises was how well high yield (HY) credit spreads performed despite the elevated volatility and bruising returns suffered by most other asset classes. (HY is a higher-risk subset of corporate bonds conventionally quoted by the difference in yield relative to a comparable Treasu...
Full Year 2022 SMCO vs. Russell 2500 Absolute Performance (top panel) & Relative Performance (bottom panel)
With the continuing rise in interest rates, yield instruments have increasingly captured the attention of hungry investors. However, “yield” can have a range of meanings and calculations within the market ecosystem. Understandably, determining which yield to use for which investment can get confusin...
Understanding Active ETFs
Explore Active ETFs: Learn what differentiates them from other ETFs and why they're becoming increasingly attractive to today's investors.
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