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A healthy labor market, which often includes significant immigrant participation, is crucial for a flourishing economy characterized by steady and sustainable growth with relatively low inflation. The central bank’s (the Fed’s) dual mandate, to achieve maximum employment and price stability, is in s...

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financial team reviewing data and charts at a conference table

An Upswing in Q42023 Earnings The Q423 earnings season has surpassed expectations, providing another catalyst to the equity markets. S&P 500 earnings growth was nearly 8%, a significant improvement over the expectations of 1.2%. Of the 97% of S&P 500 companies that have reported, 76% have had positi...

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Team discussing charts and data on conference table

The Year of the Rabbit In 2023, the Gregorian calendar was designated the year of the rabbit—a symbol of good fortune and rebirth. Perhaps, then, it’s no surprise 2023’s markets closed in a similarly spirited fashion. Fourth quarter returns leaped happily to a banner finish, dodging a handful of obs...

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financial team reviewing paperwork with data by a laptop

As we bid farewell to 2023, we reflect on a year that presented an array of challenges and unexpected turns for the U.S. economy and financial markets. The past 12 months unfolded as a tumultuous journey, marked by a convergence of complex factors that tested the resilience of economic foundations.

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financial team reviewing charts and data on a desk in a meeting

In today's rapidly evolving economic landscape, understanding financial conditions is essential for investors, policymakers, businesses, and others focused on the health of the economy. Financial conditions refer to a complex mix of financial factors (expressed in indices) that collectively paint a ...

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financial meeting where investors reviewing charts and data on a table

The debate over whether the economy will eventually experience a “hard” or “soft” landing continues to dominate market attention. The extended supply chain dislocations, crippling inflation, and 16 months of Fed (Federal Open Market Committee) policy tightening have all contributed to an atmosphere ...

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