Q323 began right where Q223 left off, the markets had a drastic change in sentiment since the S&P 500 reached a 52-week high on July 31. The last three months morphed into a nerve-wracking quarter as investors grappled with a sharp 73bp rise in 10yr interest rates. The move brought the 10yr yield ba...
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Despite increasing signs of slowing growth, corporate earnings continue to show resilience. Over the three quarters ending 2Q 2023, earnings revisions, while negative, have beat expectations, contributing to the equity markets’ ongoing buoyancy. More to the point, recent estimates reflect an even ro...
The debate over whether the economy will eventually experience a “hard” or “soft” landing continues to dominate market attention. The extended supply chain dislocations, crippling inflation, and 16 months of Fed (Federal Open Market Committee) policy tightening have all contributed to an atmosphere ...
Despite a challenging backdrop for dividend investing in 1H23, the Hilton Dividend and Yield Strategy (DIVYS) performed well. The strategy’s focus on risk adjusted returns resulted in solid performance during a quarter that experienced a significant rise in rates, led by the 2yr +87bp.
“Same old thing in brand new drag comes sweeping into view,” is a line from David Bowie’s song “Teenage Wildlife,” released in 1980. The quote, admittedly taken out of context, provides an apt description of the second quarter: Once again a handful of mega-cap tech stocks outperformed the rest of th...
First half of 2023 is done and dusted and what a six months it has been. Most investors came into 2023 positioned for higher volatility, wider credit spreads and economic headwinds. With many expecting an earnings and economic recession by Q223. Clearly, that is not how things have played out. While...
In the wake of a bruising period of Federal Reserve Open Market Committee (Fed) tightening一undertaken to reduce inflation from its recent highs to its stated 2% target level一the US labor market remains resilient, with overall labor demand continuing to outstrip supply.
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Explore Active ETFs: Learn what differentiates them from other ETFs and why they're becoming increasingly attractive to today's investors.
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